The Power of Collaboration in Architecture (Plus, 10 Tips for Successful Teamwork!)




Jun 10, 2024

Aerial view of slanters creating a slant shape in a soccer field
Aerial view of slanters creating a slant shape in a soccer field
The romantic notion of the lone architect, sketching visionary structures in quiet solitude, is one we still envision. Yet, as the architectural landscape evolves, this is giving way to a more dynamic and inclusive reality—one of collaboration.

Finding opportunities within and outside your firm for collaboration is vital to creating breakthroughs that push innovation forward – along with many other benefits.

Le Corbusier sitting at a drafring table
Le Corbusier sitting at a drafring table

Le Corbusier drawing by hand in his office © Fondation Le Corbusier

The Power of Collaboration

When people from different walks of life, each with their unique set of skills and experiences, come together, something magical happens. They toss their ideas into a melting pot, cooking up solutions that are way outside the box. 

Take a look at the Airbnb office in Portland OR. This office, by Aaron Taylor Harvey and Rachael Yu, was designed in collaboration with Airbnb’s own employees. Not only did this give the employees ownership over their own workspace, but it helped the architects optimize the space for the people actually using it.

Collaboration is not just about each person doing their part; it's about building on each other's ideas, learning from each other, and sometimes, even disagreements lead to a breakthrough moment. 

It's this collective energy that pushes everyone to dig deeper, think bigger, and sometimes, redefine what's possible. With collaboration, everyone gets a bit braver, willing to throw wild ideas into the ring because they know the group has their back. 

Projects like Gardens by the Bay in Singapore show the groundbreaking solutions that become possible with a diverse team on board. This major landmark is a result of collaboration between Grant Associates (a landscape architecture firm) and WilkinsonEyre (an architecture firm), Atelier Ten (environmental design consultants); Atelier One (structural engineers).

More Benefits of Embracing Collaboration

Collaboration doesn’t just equal more innovation and creativity – there are many more benefits than that.

Encouraging collaboration at your firm can enhance your team’s problem-solving capabilities, increase productivity, and make for better overall stakeholder satisfaction.

Impact of collaboration on Business Performance.
Impact of collaboration on Business Performance.

Impact of collaboration on Business Performance. Source: Frost & Sullivan

Let’s look at some stats:

  • Efficient collaboration improves the productivity of a work week by 20-25% (McKinsey)

  • 87% of the time, teams will make better decisions than individuals (Cloverpop)

  • Even simply thinking we are working together can make us 64% more productive (Stanford)

10 Tips for Fostering Effective Collaboration

Now that you know why you should collaborate, you might be asking how to actually do that. 

Maybe you’ve had some bad experiences with attempted collaboration. Maybe your experience led you to believe that it is easier to work alone.

Here are our top tips for fostering collaboration in your team:

Slanters during Orange Day, engagin in a team-building activitie
Slanters during Orange Day, engagin in a team-building activitie

Slanters playing a collaborative game, Orange Day, 2023.

  1. Establish Clear Goals and Objectives

Begin with a clear understanding of the project’s goals and objectives. Ensuring that every team member is aligned with these goals fosters a unified direction and purpose, making collaboration more efficient and focused.

  1. Leverage Diverse Skill Sets

Embrace the diversity of your team’s skills and backgrounds. Each member brings unique perspectives and expertise that can enhance problem-solving and creativity. Don’t be scared to approach someone with an off-the-wall collaboration idea.

  1. Open and Effective Communication

Facilitate open channels of communication. Encourage regular meetings, updates, and discussions, ensuring that all team members feel heard and valued. Effective communication also involves active listening, where feedback and ideas are not just shared but also acknowledged and considered.

  1. Use Collaborative Tools and Technologies

Remove barriers to collaboration by making sharing and communication easier. Implement the use of collaborative tools and technologies that streamline the sharing of ideas, documents, and feedback. Platforms like Notion, Slack, Trello, or Microsoft Teams can enhance the efficiency of communication and project management, keeping everyone on the same page.

  1. Foster a Culture of Trust and Respect

Building a culture where trust and respect are paramount encourages team members to express their ideas and concerns freely. A supportive environment is crucial for mitigating conflicts and fostering a positive team dynamic.

  1. Encourage Autonomy within a Framework

While it's essential to have clear, outlined processes, allowing team members autonomy within this framework can lead to increased motivation and creativity. Empower individuals by entrusting them with responsibilities and valuing their contributions – this is part of what drives our unique corporate structure at /slantis.

  1. Practice Effective Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in any team setting, but it doesn’t have to be destructive. Establish and practice effective conflict resolution strategies that focus on finding common ground and solutions that address the concerns of all parties involved.

  1. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Adopt a mindset of continuous learning and openness to change. Encourage the team to seek out new knowledge, learn from both successes and failures, and be willing to adapt strategies as projects evolve.

  1. Recognize and Celebrate Successes

Acknowledging and celebrating the team's achievements can boost morale and reinforce a sense of collective accomplishment. Recognition serves as a powerful motivator and strengthens the team's cohesion.

  1. Lead by Example

Leaders play a critical role in setting the tone for collaboration. By demonstrating commitment, openness, and respect, leaders can inspire their teams to embody these values in their interactions and work.

Are We Better Together?

Slanters during Orange Day, engaging in a team-bonding activity
Slanters during Orange Day, engaging in a team-bonding activity

Slanters dancing together, Orange Day, 2023.

The evidence is clear—collaboration is not merely an option but a necessity for those seeking to achieve excellence and innovation in their projects.

As we champion the cause of collaboration in architecture, let’s not see it as a challenge to be overcome but as an opportunity to be seized. It is through connecting diverse minds and talents that the most enduring and impactful architectural marvels are born.

Are you ready to harness the power of collaboration and propel your architectural projects to new heights?

Explore our platform and services and discover how we can help you set up your architecture projects to achieve success. Together, let's shape the future of architecture, one collaborative project at a time.

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